
At the heart of its activities, ARVALIS engages in numerous collaborative research projects at a national, European and international level.

These partnership projects are conducted with actors from the agricultural sector, public research agencies, enterprises, and development actors.

Technology Mixed Units and Networks (UMT/RMT)

Technology Mixed Units and Networks (UMT/RMT) are scientific and technical partnership tools, created and supported by the French Ministry for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty, in coordination with the ACTA and APCA for the farming sector, and with the ACTIA for the agrifood sector.

UMTs help jointly conducting, on chosen geographic sites, research and development programs on a national level, generating operational and generalizable results on a short and medium terms.

RMTs aim at promoting collaboration between teams from the research, agricultural technical education and agricultural development sectors, around themes with high socio-economic and environmental stakes.

  • BESTIM (stimulate plants’ health in agroecological systems) 
  • AGROFORESTERIES (Tree performance in agriculture and support to transitions)
  • AL-CHIMIE (Chemical contaminations of the food chain) 
  • AVENIRS PRAIRIES (grasslands with a view to respond to future challenges) 
  • BIOREG (Biodiversity for the natural control of plant pests) 
  • BOUCLAGE (recycling, fertilizing and environnemental impacts) 
  • CHAMPS & TERRITOIRES ATELIERS (supporting agroecological transitions on a territorial scale) 
  • CLIMA (adapting farms to climate change)
  • FILARMONI (food chains economics) 
  • GAFAD (managing weed at the scale of crops, using an agroecological approach) 
  • NAEXUS (Digital Farming for the development of education, experimentation and uses) 
  • SDMAA (Data and Modelling Science for Agriculture and Agrifood) 
  • SPICEE (Structuring and Producing innovation in systems combining crops and livestock)
  • SOLS & TERRITOIRES (improving and promoting soil knowledge for the sustainable development of rural territories).

Scientific interest groupings or consortia

Scientific interest groupings or consortia (GIS) are clusters that aim at facilitating collaboration between partners.

The public-private consortium PlantAlliance aims at supporting the contribution of plant genetics to create innovative agroecological cropping systems.

The Biocontrol consortium gathers about 60 members from the public, technical and private sectors around two objectives: promoting the use of biocontrol products and agents integrated in cropping systems in relation to the integrated crops protection, and developing a French biocontrol industry, to generate economic activity.

Competitivity clusters

Competitivity clusters gather enterprises, research laboratories, and training facilities on well-defined territories and themes, to promote the development of innovative and collaborative R&D projects.

ARVALIS has partnered with several competitivity poles on innovation in arable crops.

The Carnot Institute Plant2Pro

Logo Plant2Pro



The Carnot Institute Plant2Pro is a label of excellence awarded to institutions or groups of institutions that are involved in partnership research and that collaborate efficiently with companies. Its aim is to promote the rapprochement of public research and socio-economic actors to fluidify and accelerate the transition from research to innovation and technology transfer.

There are currently several dozen Carnot-labelled institutes. ARVALIS is a member of one of them - Plant2Pro - which proposes an integrated and multidisciplinary R&D offer dedicated to agricultural plant production (varietal innovation, crop protection including biocontrol, agronomy, crop systems, precision agriculture, digital applications, etc.).

Plant2Pro brings together 14 academic research laboratories (INRA, AgroCampus Ouest, AgroParisTech, Agro Sup Dijon, Montpellier SupAgro, CNRS, etc.) and 3 agricultural technical institutes (ARVALIS, IFV, Terres Inovia). It has more than 1,260 FTEs including at least 200 PhD students. Its consolidated budget is around €170 million. Revenue from partnerships with companies represents 35 M€. ARVALIS is fully involved in its management. To offer the best research opportunities to companies, Plant2Pro has the financial capacity to launch calls for projects from its members, either to strengthen its skills (Attractiveness component) or to acquire new skills (Resourcing component).

The Carnot label gives access to a unique and very dynamic R&D ecosystem: numerous events and contacts, joint initiatives with other Carnots, access to training and resources in terms of R&D support, etc. For ARVALIS, Plant2Pro is a recognition of know-how and a real opportunity for development, both scientific and financial.

Learn more about The Carnot Institute

ARVALIS also engages in many other groups or partnership networks in France and on a European and international scale: