EAPR Post Harvest and Agronomy & Physiology sections meeting Abstract submission

EAPR Post Harvest and Agronomy & Physiology sections meeting Abstract submission


Present your paper during the EAPR Post Harvest and Agronomy & Physiology sections meeting 

The meeting is open to any participant who wants to present new references, innovative works, updated advises and information … on one aspect of the different topics devoted to both EAPR sections, Agronomy & Physiology and Post Harvest.

An abstract of the presentation must be submitted by using the “submission form” proposed by the organization and sent to abstracteapr2023@arvalis.fr until April 12.

This abstract must be well summarized to 3000 character maximum for a further publication for participant on one single page.

It will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of each section (Post Harvest and Agronomy & Physiology) and a response will be sent back for April 15 to each submitter.

Abstract submission Form

  • Dowload and fill the Abstract Submission Form:


  • Submit by email at the address bellow before the 12th April:

Submit your abstract