ARVALIS Technical national day for potatoes

A rendez-vous not to be missed for the potato industry

The ARVALIS Technical national day for potatoes, so called in French “Les Rendez-vous Techniques de Villers Saint Christophe”, occurred regularly each four years between two French editions of the field exhibition PotatoEurope although the Covid pandemic has somewhat disrupted the frequency of these manifestations in recent years. The ARVALIS Technical national day for potatoes, organized in Villers Saint Christophe, gathers usually one thousand of visitors who come to discover the main advances and innovations of the potato sector proposed by their dedicated technical institute but also by private companies involved in the industry.

The event is oriented in three main axes:

  • Thematic on field technical presentations made by the specialists of Arvalis updating the different issues covering the potato production and storage practices,
  • Thematic in door mini conferences on two important current issues of the industry,
  • Exhibition of 40 main private companies involved in the potato sector covering the principal activities like fertilization, crop protection, storage, marketing …   

The 5th edition will take place in Villers Saint Christophe on the 29th June.

Pictures of the 2018 Edition
  • Villers2018
  • Villers2018
  • Villers2018
  • Villers2018
  • Villers2018
  • Villers2018